In the year 1975,away from the ceaseless bustle of the trading yards,the crisscross of trains through this junction to every part of the country and the majestic gush of the Krishna waters through the spillways of the Prakasam barrage,some best minds were in unison for a noble cause in Vijayawada.Each of them represented azenith of achievement in the galaxy,as diverse as,medicine,engineering,accounting,jurisprudence,industry and business.They were all the sons of the soil.Each of them experienced the travails and hardships of travelling great distances and strange lands in pursuit of his education.With their native intelligence and commitment provided the emergent property,in the physical realm and the educational realm.They not only interacted but also integrated to provide new dimensions to the cause,phenomenal increase in the number of institutions,while looking for holistic education.

They were in conclave to make beginning for providing the educational awareness to meet the needs of the region.Vijayawada,devoid of a single post-graduate or professional institution at that time became the hub of educational needs of the state,Andhra Pradesh.It is but for the Academy,the transformation of Vijayawada from intellectual Sahara to a vibrant education centre like Nalanda.That was the background of birth of the 'Academy of General and Technical Education'.The Academy all these years striving hard to outreach the young to get their education that not only make them qualified for the job,but also equip themselves to struggle for life,bring out a strength of character,a spirit of philosophy and the courage of a lion-i.e wholesome development of a man.They believe the education is the one by which character is formed,stregnth of mind is increased,the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one's feet,which is the spirit of Swamy Vivekananda.Man making,life building and character assimilation ideas were imparted in all the institutions under their surveillance.Since its inception it has been making heroic,attempts to promote quality educational institutaions with excellent infrastructure to serve the cause of education as avertable University.The Academic employs 1,200 dedicated teachers in various faculty poistions and has a massive enrolment of 21050 students in the institutions sponsored by it.

The Academy in fulfilment of its mission started the following institutions in Vijayawada.

1.Parvathaneni Brahmayya Siddhartha College of Arts & Science,Vijayawada(1975).

2.Parvathaneni Brahmayya Siddhartha Junior College of Arts & Science,Vijayawada(1975).

3.Veeramachaneni Paddayya Siddhartha Public School,Vijayawada(1977).

4. V.R.Siddhartha Engineering College,Vijayawada(1977).

5. S.D.M.Siddhartha Mahila Junior Kalasala,Vijayawada(1982).

6. S.D.M.Siddhartha Mahila Kalasala,Vijayawada(1983).

7. Y.V Rao Siddhartha College of Education,Vijayawada(1984).

8. S.V.D Siddhartha Law College,Vijayawada(1987).

9. Post Graduate Centre of Parvathaneni Brahmayya Siddhartha College of Arts & Science(1987).

10. K.C.P.Siddhartha Adarsh Residential Public School,Vijayawada(1991).

11. K.V.S.R.Siddhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vijayawada(1994).

12. P.V.P.Siddhartha Institute of Technology,Vijayawada(1998).

13. Siddhartha Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology,Vijayawada(2002).

14. Dr.Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Foundation,Vijayawada(2002).

15. Siddhartha School of Nursing(2003).

16. Drs. Sudha & Nageswara Rao Siddhartha Institute of Dental Sciences(2005).

17. A.G & S.G Siddhartha Degree College,Vuyyuru.

18. A.G & S.G Siddhartha Junior College,Vuyyuru.

Besides the educational institutions,the Academy has a few more feathers in its cap.The Academy founded 'Siddhartha Kala Peetham' in 1989 for the promotion of Indian arts and culture.Further 'Siddcahartha Foundation',a charitable society with a corpus fund of Rs.10 million,was also sponsored to the needy and deserving students irrespective